The Marketing Manifesto

Posted by Krystian Jurkowski on 5/29/16 1:05 AM

Marketing campaign planning and execution is being redefined by the quickening pace of business and the need for executives to respond to larger forces shaping business. Waterfall programs that take months to build and budget for can be rendered irrelevant before they even launch, doomed by a sudden shift in market conditions or a new competitor with an innovative business model.


According to the PwC’s 2014 Global CEO Survey1, only 36 percent of US CEOs believe that their marketing and brand management organizations are prepared to respond to transformative changes. At the same time 72 percent currently have or are planning significant change programs in customer growth and retention to capitalize on global trends they believe will transform their business. Major change is coming. Marketing leaders need to move now to get in front of the action.

Our goal is to improve the speed, predictability, transparency, and adaptability to change of the marketing function. At Freeform we follow an agile approach designed to increase alignment with the business aims of the organization and the sales staff, to improve communication, both within and outside the marketing team, and to increase the speed and responsiveness of marketing. Our process is iterative, allowing for short marketing experiments, frequent feedback, and the ability to react to changing market conditions.

Freeform Principles

Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of marketing that solves problems

We welcome and plan for change. We believe that our ability to quickly respond to change is a source of competitive advantage

Deliver marketing programs frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale

Great marketing requires close alignment with the business people, sales and development

Build marketing programs around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done

Learning, through the build-measure-learn feedback loop, is the primary measure of progress

Sustainable marketing requires you to keep a constant pace and pipeline

Don’t be afraid to fail; just don’t fail the same way twice

Continuous attention to marketing fundamentals and good design enhances agility

Simplicity is essential

Freeform Values

Validated learning over opinions and conventions

Customer focused collaboration over silos and hierarchy

Adaptive and iterative campaigns over Big-Bang campaigns

The process of customer discovery over static prediction

Flexible vs. rigid planning

Responding to change over following a plan

Many small experiments over a few large bets

Quick responses need to be rooted in a commitment to test and re-test marketing messages that enable a cross-functional team to move rapidly when opportunity emerges. In a world of rapidly changing customer and market demands accelerated by digital, the Freeform process helps our clients keep pace.

Most marketing companies are stuck on the ideas of yesterday. We at FreeForm focus on the ideas of tomorrow—to revolutionize today and go head-to-head with innovation at its finest. Our approach: design thinking. Think. Feel. Do. Through desirability, feasibility, and viability, we redesign the idea of innovation and, through it, rediscover the world through a new lens.